UC Berkeley School of Information Master's Capstone
B. Fadrigon, J. Lupica, P. Gordon, M. Ames
Create LGBTQ+ inclusive products - and do it right the first time - using this collection of research, recommendations, and inclusivity guides.
This project was inspired by personal experiences of researchers and a value that DEIB projects should expand outside of HR.
How might we: Upskill product teams with relevant & accurate information on LGBTQ+ inclusive design for user accounts (UA)?
Problem Space & Background
Disjointed Information
This research is informed through understanding and developing inclusive design strategies, compiling the best practices for reviewing across disciplines for quick, easy, & reliable reference in order to enhance the feasibility of the application of these frameworks.
Burden on Marginalized Groups
Typical user account fields leave out the LGBTQ+ community: during a typical data collection process, information such as name, birth date, gender, and/or sex are collected. In this playbook, we upskill product teams so they do not have to rely on LGBTQ+ individuals for self-education.
Inaccurate Data Collection
Sasha Constanza-Chock and Amy Ko document how misunderstandings and exclusions of sex and gender in products can cause real harm, especially to the LGBTQ+ community. We ensure accurate data, especially for already marginalized groups, for inclusion in data-driven products
Expand Industry Norms
We are constantly working to improve our offerings and expand upon our technological capabilities. Our expert team of professionals is passionate about developing the most advanced tech on the market. Ready to experience the future? Get in touch.
Findings, Results, and Data Figures
Table 1. Percent of respondents that are comfortable sharing data points with each industry listed.
Note: This matrix does not take into account users who are not comfortable sharing any data points with any industries, as authors were unable to differentiate between non-response due to survey design.
Table 2. Navigation Infrastructure of Final Playbook, found through UX Research & Design
Figure 1. Exclusionary design practice as a user flow and opportunities for disruption, using the Inclusive Design Guide