mixed-methods researcher
B.S Psychology, University of Pittsburgh
Master's Information Management & Systems, University of California Berkeley
Focusing on equitable user experiences through critical thought about technology affordances and mental & physical health effects.
Expertise in various methods including: ethnography, prototyping, semi-structured interviews, competitive landscape analysis, and more
LGBTQ+ Inclusive User Account Design Guide
Project Manager & Lead Researcher
The standard taxonomy for user profiles includes collecting information regarding personal data (i.e name, age, etc.) and preferences (i.e language).
What can we make of this user data and are the questions asked accurately representing LGBTQ+ users?
Product Equity Strategies Across Social Media
The Community, Trust, and Safety Team sets product equity standards for design, research, product, and engineering to empower teams.
To develop a competitive insights section that look at product equity work from other tech firms, we ask: How are companies defining equity and what identities are they looking at?
Understanding the Creator Economy for BIPOC Content Creators
UX Researcher
Social Emotional Learning Through Music Streaming
UX Researcher & Designer
Filipino Student Activism at UC Berkeley
Independent Researcher
Youth Anti-Racism Action & Critical Consciousness
Research Assistant
In exploring the concept of critical consciousness -- the way people think critically about their own and other peoples' marginalization
How does inter-racial group contact among youth populations relate to anti-racist action and how it may be moderated by political efficacy and critical reflection?
Queer People of Color Using Technology to Cope
Project Manager & Lead Researcher
LGBTQ+ People of Color may feel exclusion both in their racial community and queer community. This can result in high rates of negative mental and physical health effects.
What role does technology play in building resilience and coping skills amongst LGBTQ+ People of Color as they face this stigma?